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US-India Tax Treaty Explained: 7 Income Tips Demo

May 31, 2023

The India-US Tax Treaty is an agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of India. It aims to prevent double taxation on the incomes of individuals and companies that are earned in both countries.

Such bilateral India-US tax treaties are critical. After all, they ease international trade and investment. Moreover, they reduce the tax burden on taxpayers.

Thus, understanding the US-India Tax Treaty is essential. Especially for anyone with income from both countries. Whether through employment, investments, or business activities.

Understanding the US-India Tax Treaty

The US-India Tax Treaty was first signed in 1989 and came into effect in 1991. The treaty covers various aspects of taxation. These include income tax, estate tax, and gift tax.

3 key benefits of the US-India tax treaty

The US-India Tax Treaty provides several benefits to taxpayers, including

  1. 1. Avoidance of double taxation

The treaty ensures that taxpayers are not subject to double taxation. This refers to the income tax payable on the same income or capital gains in both countries. Thus, there is a framework to determine the jurisdiction to tax different types of income. It also allows credits against tax paid in one country against the tax liability in the other.

  1. 2. Reduced withholding tax rates

The treaty reduces the withholding tax rate on certain types of income. They include dividends, interest, and royalties. Thus, the tax liabilities for taxpayers reduce, encouraging cross-border investment.

  1. 3. Clearer tax rules

The treaty clarifies the income tax rules for cross-border transactions. Thus, taxpayers can easily understand their tax obligations in each country. Moreover, it can reduce the potential for tax-related disputes. As a result, it provides greater certainty for businesses operating in both countries.

3 Key provisions of the US-India tax treaty

The US-India Tax Treaty contains several key provisions, including:

  1. 1. Permanent establishment

The treaty defines the concept of a “permanent establishment” in both countries. This determines the jurisdiction to tax business profits a foreign company earns in the other country. Thus, it is important.

  1. 2. Dividends, interest, and royalties

The treaty provides specific rules for taxing dividends, interest, and royalties. Specifically, the ones that companies pay in one country to another country’s residents. These rules include reduced withholding tax rates and exemptions under certain circumstances.

  1. 3. Capital gains

The treaty defines the rules for the taxation of capital gains. These arise from the sale of shares or other assets. The gains from the sale are taxable in the seller’s residing country. (subject to certain exceptions.)

7 Income tips for US-India taxpayers

If you are a US-India taxpayer, understanding the tax laws of both countries can be complex. But you can follow some tips to reduce your tax liability. And ensure that you follow the tax laws of both countries. The following are some of the most important ones:

  1. Tip 1: The saving clause

The US-India Tax Treaty includes a “saving clause.” It allows the United States to tax its citizens and residents as if the treaty didn’t exist. If you are a US citizen or resident, you may still be subject to income tax in the United States. Even if the treaty provides an exemption or a reduced tax rate.

  1. Tip 2: No double taxation

The US-India Tax Treaty seeks to avoid double taxation on US-India taxpayers’ income. You will have to pay income tax only in one country. You can claim a foreign tax credit on your US tax return for taxes paid to India on your Indian income.

  1. Tip 3: Real property income

Do you earn rental income from real property located in India? You may be subject to income tax in India as well as income tax in States. But the treaty relieves double taxation on this income. The rental income from real property is taxed in the country of the property’s location.

  1. Tip 4: Private pensions

Private pensions and annuities US-India taxpayers earnings are generally taxable in their residing country. But the treaty exempts US citizens and residents who get private pension income from India. This income is taxed in India.

  1. Tip 5: Government functions

Are you an employee of the US or Indian government? Your salary is generally taxable only in your residing country. But this rule does not apply to government contractors or consultants. Their income may be subject to tax in both countries.

  1. Tip 6: Social security

If you are a US citizen or resident working in India, you may be eligible for Social Security benefits/Pensions. But the treaty does not relieve double taxation on Social Security benefits. So your Social Security benefits may be subject to tax in both countries.

  1. Tip 7: Information exchange

The treaty provides for exchanging information between the tax authorities of both countries. The IRS and the Indian tax authorities can share information about US-India taxpayers. This would ensure compliance with the tax laws of both countries.

As a taxpayer, it is vital to ensure that you report your income accurately. Also, you must pay the appropriate amount of taxes to both countries.

Wrapping up

US-India taxpayers should be aware of the US-India Tax Treaty. Thus, they will be compliant with the tax laws of both countries. By following these 7 income tips, you can cut your tax liability and avoid double taxation and finally stay tax compliant in both countries.

But if you still have questions or concerns about your tax situation, you may consult with GJM & Co. Our tax experts can guide tax policies, helping you to understand them better.

Should you have any queries or need consultation, Schedule a Call today or write to us at